
Best state of decay mods
Best state of decay mods

best state of decay mods

This Mod was originally created to give a more realistic feel to inventory space, weapon durability, and yields for ammo, explosives, and other items. Fight against large hordes of infected, Juggernauts, and Blood Freaks. Thirdly, you should take no impact damage when running into objects (Mainly prevents car from blowing up when super speeding into things). Download State of Decay 2 is a great game and were happy to provide you with the ability to really mod the game to make it even more fun. Compatible Game Version: Juggernaut Edition v18.1 (Official Game Version ONLY) v2.4 Gameplay overhaul over 1500+ files edited. Overall we saw 1301 mods shared in total, which is the highest since we started this event. I wanted to be able to carry Gas cans,Repair Kits and Advanced Repair kits without filling my backpack up when recovering cars.

best state of decay mods

Giving you a sharper and clearer picture. This utility automatically saves your game at a time interval you decide.It requires java 1.8 or better to run.It comes with a windows batch file to launch it and a configuration file that needs to be customized to your needs. **CURRENT VERSION IS NOT FUNCTIONAL, UPDATE PENDING** Thanks for your patience! From a substantial upgrade to the Witcher 3 game extension, and general performance boosts and enhancements, to a new mod reporting system that is designed to help mod authors and users alike troubleshoot any issues, these are the main updates this month. Looking for some inspiration to finally realise that mod idea you've been thinking about? Reduces the influence and population requirements for all player home sites. Come scavenge some 'Vietnam Era' canvas tents, from your local Army Navy Surplus Store! Account mods are permanent additions to your community, some give you infinite items, let you recruit red talon free, change character models and more.

Best state of decay mods